Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Wednesday, February 14th



February 14th is celebrated as St Valentine’s Day – a day for us to focus on love in our lives. During this year of a Family of Faith, let us focus on how we show love for families, friends, and our community.  

Loving Father,

We read in the Bible that the best way to describe you is to use the word “Love”.

Your love for humankind is so great

that You sent Jesus, your Son, to live as one of us.

As we embrace our spiritual theme, A Family of Faith,

let us remember to share love with one another on this St. Valentine’s day

Through Christ our Lord, 



Main Entrance - Mrs. Gareau
North Entrance - Mrs. Cantin
South Entrance - 
Mr. Gotidoc


Ash Wednesday - Stir Fry Vegetarian Vermicelli $4.00


SASKPOLY: Indigenous Student Campus Tour (Extended deadline)

Saskatchewan Polytechnic invites Grade 11 & 12 Indigenous high school students to spend Wednesday, February 28th from 9 am-1:30 pm with their Indigenous Strategy team for a campus tour and informational session. Students will be bussed from École St. Mary High School and will return to the school by 1:30 pm. A pizza lunch will be provided as well as a round dance at noon. Students who are interested, must sign up using the Microsoft Forms link: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=ktew3fs5vE6W1gmVNKysTznzzUJgqDxOpdnl7_lY0ARUREFDOUk3SE43WVE0SlA0MVY0STVEOTlUWS4u All registrations must be submitted by the end of the school day on Wednesday, February 14, 2024. 

SLC SPIRIT WEEK: February 12th – February 14th
Monday – Dress as Your Type Day (athlete, artist, musician ...)
Tuesday – Traffic Light Day
                   Green: Looking for Love
                   Yellow: It’s Complicated
                   Red: In a Relationship/Not Interested
Wednesday – Valentine’s Day
                   Dress in pink/red

FEBRUARY: Aboriginal Storytelling Month

For Indigenous people, storytelling is both a gift, and a very old custom, used to teach, entertain, and remember. In December 2022, the provincial government declared that February would be the official month of Indigenous storytelling. “Culturally, when the snow has hit the ground, it has been a very old custom to gather together and share stories to learn culture and language and teachings”. 
To honour this tradition, 
1) the original and translated Cree legend, “Chahkabesh and the Giant Woman” is available at https://www.pathoftheelders.com/images/docs/14x2.pdf.
2) the original and translated Cree legend, "Chahkabesh Snares the Sun" is available at https://pathoftheelders.com/images/docs/15x2.pdf
3) the original and translated Cree legend, "Chahkabesh is Swallowed by the Giant Fish" is available at https://www.pathoftheelders.com/images/docs/16x2.pdf
4) the original and translated Cree legend, "Chahkabesh is Drawn Up by the Moon" is available at https://www.pathoftheelders.com/images/docs/17x2.pdf
5) the original and translated Cree legend, "Weesakechahk Carries Around His Song Bag" is available at https://www.pathoftheelders.com/images/docs/18x2.pdf
6) the original and translated Cree legend, "Weesakechahk Tricks the Bear" is available at https://www.pathoftheelders.com/images/docs/19x2.pdf

FEBRUARY: Black History Month
The Honourable Jean Augustine was elected as the first Black female Member of Parliament in 1993, appointed the first Black woman in Cabinet in 2002, and named first Fairness Commissioner by the Government of Ontario in 2007. She was born in St. George’s, Grenada, and moved to Canada in 1960, where she became a revolutionary politician and social activist. 


There will be a Model UN meeting on Monday, February 12 at 12:30 pm in Rm 238 for any students who would like to take part in the spring session. Important information will be given about the assembly that will be held in the spring. Students who cannot attend should message Mr. Welter or Mr. Joncas. New members are always welcomed! Come and check it out!


The online grad apparel online store is now open! The store will close on Saturday, February 17th.  Please expect 3-4 weeks after the store closes for completion of orders.  All clothing will be sent to SMHC for pick up. Please use the link on the Edsby message. Happy Shopping!


The Scotiabank scholarships for students age 16 – age 18 focus on four themes (Diversity, Financial Wellness, Women Future Leaders, STEM) and four regions of Canada. The Contest Period is from Monday, January 15, 2024, at 9:00:01 AM ET to Friday, May 3rd, 2024, at 11:59:59 PM ET. Upon successful completion and submission of the scholarship application, the eligible entrant will receive one (1) entry into the Contest. Only one Scholarship prize will be awarded per eligible entrant. (If an entrant submits more than one Entry, they will be disqualified.) For additional information, please go to https://education.myblueprint.ca/scotia/

CBC’s THE FIRST PAGE: Student Writing Contest

The contest involves writing the first page (300 - 400 words) of a novel set 150 years in the future, with the protagonist facing an issue that's topical today and setting the scene for how it plays out in a century and a half. This contest has two categories: Grades 7 to 9 and Grades 10 to 12. Each winner will receive a one-year subscription to OwlCrate (delivery of a monthly box with a book and book-related goodies) and the school will receive 50 free books. All shortlisted entries will be published on CBCBooks.ca. The deadline to enter is February 28, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. ET. To submit go to CBC Literary Prizes Submission Manager (submittable.com). To read the 2023 winners’ stories go to 

Twenty-one (21) female high school students from Japan will be in Prince Albert from Tuesday, March 19th - Sunday, March 31st, 2024. Host families are needed for this time period. The students will attend classes at École St Mary High School on school days, and spend time with host families during evenings and weekends. Additional information (responsibilities of Host Families, Global Partners North America, Students) is available at http://pa.pursueonline.com/index.php/community/. If you are interested in being a host family, please contact Jeannette Eddolls: 306-960-4648 or jeannette.m@velocity.ca


Attention grade 12 students! Applications are now open for admissions to the University of Saskatchewan. Apply early to take advantage of benefits like early admission and access to scholarships. Some scholarship applications are due before the application deadline. To find information about how to apply, programs and deadlines, scholarship applications, and how to submit your documents, please go to https://admissions.usask.ca/requirements/apply.php#1Findaprogram If you have any questions, or want assistance, please see Mrs. Rapin in Student Services (office 116).


Competitive Entrance Awards

Competitive Entrance Awards include numerous scholarships and bursaries that can be accessed by many students with diverse experiences. Students can be considered based on academic achievement, financial need and/or contributions to school and community life. Some awards recognize backgrounds, acknowledge contributions to certain clubs or reward achievement in music and athletics. All entering students are encouraged to apply. To be considered, students must complete an application for admission by February 15, 2024 and fill out and submit the online application for Competitive Entrance Awards by March 1, 2024 in PAWS

Guaranteed Entrance Scholarships

Students will automatically be considered for a Guaranteed Entrance Scholarship when they apply for admission. These scholarships recognize academic achievements and are awarded based on the admission average.

Student best average

Scholarship value



93% to 94.9%


90% to 92.9%


85% to 89.9%


For additional information, please see Mrs. Rapin or go to https://admissions.usask.ca/money/scholarships.php#top


Application-Required Scholarships

Students can apply for undergraduate scholarships and awards using the Student Awards Management System (SAMS). There are lots of different awards available, some that require an application and others that are automatic. Students can browse the awards as a guest or create an account when they are ready to apply!

Automatic Entrance Awards

Students must be entering directly from high school to an undergraduate degree program.

Student best average

Scholarship value


$3,000 (March 15)

93% to 94.99%

$1,500 (March 15)

90% to 92.99%

$1,000 (March 15)

Faculty of Business: 85% or higher

$1,000 (August 15)

For more information, see Mrs. Rapin or go to https://www.uregina.ca/cost-aid/funding/undergraduate-scholarships/entrance-awards/index.html


Students who are interested in the 2023 - 2024 driver education program are to register online through Microsoft Forms: 2023 - 2024 Drivers Ed Registration Form Mr. Bourdon will then place students into groups on Edsby. A reminder that spots fill up quickly, so it is important to select your three top options to best accommodate each student. 

The start dates for each session are as follows:

September 6 - 28 (after school)

October 2 - 23 (after school)

October 23 - December 7 (lunch hour)

November 1 - November 24 (after school)

December 11 - January 19 (after school)

January 31 - February 29 (after school)

March 4 - March 25 (after school)

March 4 - April 24 (lunch hour)

April 8 - April 26 (after school)

May 1 - May 23 (after school)

July 2 - July 10 summer class (9:00am - 1:00pm)

Please note the following:

·         Students must be 15 years old by the start of the session.

·         Sessions will be in the Room 246.

·         All sessions begin at 3:30pm and end at 5:30pm. (except for the summer/lunch sessions).

·         During your driver education class, you will need:

·         your birth certificate

·         your MYSGI account number(needed on the first day of class)

·         Students must go to SGI to get their MySGI customer number.

·         a pencil/pen and notebook


École St Mary High School has received free feminine menstrual products (pads and tampons) to support our students. Students who want these free products can go to the main office or see Mrs. Cantin in Room 115.  The initiative is a three-year partnership (Ministry of Education, the Status of Women Office, SaskBuilds, school division) created to distribute products in a cost-effective equitable and accessible manner. The initiative was established between the Ministry of Education and the Shoppers Foundation of Women's Health to provide 12 million menstrual products.

Information and instructional videos are available at https://pacsd.ca/our-students/edsby-for-students/


Students enrolled in the Prince Albert Catholic School Division have the opportunity to install Microsoft Office 365 on their desktops, laptops and mobile devices. Instructions and additional information is available at http://pa.pursueonline.com/index.php/community/


Find out about all the FREE print and digital access to novels, graphic novels, music, movies, comedy shows, crafts, book clubs and more that is available at the Prince Albert Public Library. For detailed information visit https://princealbertlibrary.ca/ and/or view the January/February Newsletter. (FREE February movies: "Love Again", "Retribution", "Mummies", "The Amazing Maurice", "Scooby Doo and Krypto Too")


Are you looking for a fitness and discipline activity? If yes, Prince Albert Budokai Karate is hosting its classes on Mondays and Wednesdays at 1405 Bishop Pascal Place (Elevation Academy Gym - Former Rivier). Beginners' classes are at 6 pm and advanced classes are at 7 pm. We welcome new and returning students. If you have any questions, please contact Sensei Chris Lair at 306-922-5247 or by email at chrislair@sasktel.net.


Monday - Pulled Pork Sandwich $3.50
Tuesday - Chicken Burger & Spring Salad Mix $4.00
Wednesday - Stir Fry Vegetarian Vermicelli $4.00
Thursday - Loaded Tater Tot $4.00 
Friday - Alfredo Pasta $4.00

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