God of Wisdom,
I thank you for the knowledge gained
and the learning experiences of the semester.
I come to you and ask you to illuminate my mind and heart.
Let your Holy Spirit be with me as I prepare for exams,
guiding my studies and giving me insight
so that I can perform to the best of my ability.
Grant me the strength to handle the pressure of these days,
the confidence to feel secure in my knowledge,
and the ability to keep a proper perspective through it all.
Help me to keep in mind what is truly important,
even as I focus my time and energy on these exams.
Finally, may I sense your peace
in knowing that I applied myself to the challenges of this day.
We ask this through Christ our Lord,
Main Entrance - Mr. Regel
North Entrance - Mrs. Cantin
South Entrance - Mrs. Mourot
Wednesday - Surprise Lunch $4.00
All textbooks, ELA novels and calculators used in Semester 1 are to be returned by the day of the exam, either to the classroom teacher or placed in the library BOOK RETURN bin. Students who require a calculator for Semester 2, should go to the library to have it renewed. Students with year-long math/science classes will have their textbooks/calculators automatically renewed. Edsby messages about Overdue/Lost Items will be sent to students/parents on Wednesday, February 5th.
SUNTEP: Open House
SUNTEP is a four-year Bachelor of Education degree program with an emphasis on Metis history, Michif language, and social justice/anti-racist/anti-oppressive education. On Wednesday, January 29th from 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm, attend the Open House at SUNTEP (48 - 12th Street East) to learn more about the SUNTEP program and meet their staff and faculty.
The Jr. A Boys Basketball team will be hosting a tournament on Friday, January 31st and Saturday, February 1st. Come out and support our teams!
The Kin Canada Bursary is open to any student who is in the process of graduating from high school or currently studying, or registered, at a post-secondary institution. Applicants will be evaluated on their community and school involvement, knowledge of Kin Canada (Kinsmen, Kinettes and Kin Clubs) and financial need. The application form must be submitted by Sunday, February 1st, 2025 and winners will be notified before June 30 by their sponsoring club. For additional information and to apply, please go to ST MARY'S KINDNESS & CULTURE DAY
On Wednesday, February 5th, show off your traditional wear and pose under the "Put the ' I ' in KINDNESS" display outside the main gym.
TYPE 1 FIREFIGHTERS: Job Opportunity
Join a dedicated team committed to safeguarding Saskatchewan and responding to emergencies, including wildfires. Applications are being accepted for the purpose of establishing an eligibility list. All applicants must hold a Class 5 driver's license. The typical duration of employment spans from April to August. If interested, please use the QR code to apply online and contact 1-888-953-2965 for assistance. The deadline for applications is January 31st, 2025.
U of R: Half-Price Application Week (February 3rd – 9th)
From Monday, February 3rd to Sunday, February 9th, the application fee for the University of Regina is reduced from $100 to just $50. Use the coupon code HALFPRICE when submitting the application. To apply online go to U of R: Admission on the Spot
Students who plan to apply to the U of R are invited to attend these events in Saskatoon/Regina. Students will need a copy of their unofficial transcript and to pay the admissions fee during the session. Contact Mrs. Rapin in Student Services if you have any questions or need a copy of your unofficial transcript.
Wednesday, February 5, 2025
4:30 - 7:30 PM
Carlton Comprehensive High School
Thursday, February 6, 2025
4:30 - 7:30 PM
Northlands College, Rock Campus
Thursday, February 13, 2025
4:30 - 7:30 PM
Luther College, Main U of R Campus
2025 École St. Mary Grad apparel is now available to order! All orders must be placed online. (No orders are accepted at the store.) All items will be delivered to the school for pick up, usually 3-4 weeks after the order deadline. (Baseball jersey orders may take longer to arrive.) The deadline to order is Monday, February 10th. The store will reopen at the beginning of April. Please see the Edsby message/link to place an order.
2025 AMAZON CANADA: Youth Short Story
The Youth Short Story Category invites authors between the ages of thirteen and seventeen to submit a short story under 3,000 words. The winner in this category will receive $5,000 and the five finalists will each receive $500. Submissions for the Youth Short Story Category must be submitted no later than 5:00 p.m. (EST) on Sunday, February 9, 2025. For more information, go to AFFINITY CREDIT UNION:
Grade 11 students who are a member of Affinity Credit Union or have a parent or guardian who is a member are eligible to apply for this scholarship. Each student receives a $2500 award upon completion of the leadership program. Twenty students are accepted into the program. This award is offered by our District Councils, who have been elected to represent their communities within the Credit Union. The program gives recipients the opportunity to participate in their local District Council meetings and a variety of other events during their grade 12 year! The deadline to apply is Sunday, February 9, 2025. For additional information, as well as an application form, please go to
Grade 9 -12 students are invited to participate in math contests offered by the University of Waterloo: Grade 9 (Pascal), Grade 10 (Cayley), Grade 11 (Fermat), and Grade 12 (Euclid). Students who want to participate in the contest that applies to their grade level, must complete the forms document by Tuesday, January 28th, 2025 available at The Grade 9-11 math contests will be written on Wednesday, February 26th, 2025, and the Grade 12 math contest will be written on Wednesday, April 2nd, 2025.
Students can practice for the competition using the contests from previous years by going to
Please contact Mrs. Rissling in Room 136 if you have any questions.
Opening Doors to Tomorrow: Career & Job Fair Bursary
The Opening Door to Tomorrow Career and Job Fair Bursary is open to students (Saskatchewan Rivers, Prince Albert Catholic, Saskatchewan Polytech) and employees (Saskatchewan Health Authority, Prince Albert Community Futures, City of Prince Albert). Applicants must be accepted to attend a post-secondary education institution, including apprenticeship. The deadline to apply is Thursday, May 15th. For additional information, and to download an application form, please go to
SASKPOLYTECH: Indigenous Applicants Funding
SaskPolytech Indigenous applicants have the opportunity to participate in three funding initiatives:
1) Apply to any program for FREE until Friday, March 7th, 2025.
2) Eight entrance awards are available to Indigenous students enrolled full-time in the Mining Engineering Technology program (Information session Wednesday, January 29th, 2025 from 5 pm – 7 pm at the Saskatoon main campus.)
3) Up to $1,000 in bursaries for Indigenous students enrolled in the Business diploma program. Those continuing into the financial services or insurance specialties in year 2 will receive an additional $500.
The Junior Citizen of the Year Award has honoured the youth of Saskatchewan for over 40 years. The program is sponsored by The Saskatchewan Weekly Newspapers Association, in partnership with SaskPower, and the Lieutenant Governor of Saskatchewan. These prestigious awards are given to students who:
- have a positive lifestyle,
- are dedicated to community and school,
- have a strong sense of caring and responsibility,
- have the ability to overcome life’s challenges,
- inspire others, and
- are between ages 8 to 18.
Four award recipients are chosen each year and receive a $3,000 bursary, provided by SaskPower, to be used for post-secondary education. For more information, please go to The deadline for nominations is March 31st, 2025.
The Women in Trades Workshops at SaskpolyTech in Prince Albert are a hands-on, one-weekend career exploration opportunity for women ages 15+ offering an introduction to a variety of basic skills. The cost for each weekend is $150.00.
The Carpentry/Electrical Workshop is on March 29- 30, 2025.
The Industrial Mechanics/Welding Workshop is on April 12-13, 2025.
For more information, and to register, go to: MYBLUEPRINT SCOTIA BANK SCHOLARSHIP ($3750)
The Scotiabank scholarships for students age 16 – age 18 focus on four themes (Diversity, Financial Wellness, Women Future Leaders, STEM) and four regions of Canada. The deadline to apply is Friday, April 25th, 2025, at 11:59:59 PM ET. Upon successful completion and submission of the scholarship application, the eligible entrant will receive one (1) entry into the Contest. Only one Scholarship prize will be awarded per eligible entrant. (If an entrant submits more than one Entry, they will be disqualified.) For additional information, please go to:'s%20%2460%2C000%20investment%20is%20divided,11%3A59%3A59%20PM%20ET U of S: Bookings for Q&A Chat
Students have the opportunity to book 20-minute appointments with a USask representative regarding questions about becoming a USask student: admission requirements, scholarships, housing etc. Appointments are available every Wednesday from 6:00 – 8:00 pm and/or every Friday from 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm by booking an appointment here. U of R: Entrance Awards
Students attending the U of R in the fall who login to SAMS can begin an application for the Entrance Award competition. The deadline to apply is Saturday, March 15, 2025. The following workshops are available to assist with the application process: Zoom (Virtual)
February 3, 2025 (4:00 - 6:00 pm) - Register
February 19, 2025 (4:00 - 6:00 pm) - Register
In-person - LY 107.32 (U of R: Archer Library)
February 11, 2025 (4:00 - 6:00 pm) - Register
March 6, 2025 (4:00 - 6:00 pm) - Register
GRADE 12: Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Scholarship
GRADE 11: Prince of Wales & Duchess of Cornwall Scholarship
AFFINITY CREDIT UNION: Build a Better World Scholarship
Grade 12 students who are a member of Affinity Credit Union or have a parent or guardian who is a member are eligible to apply for this scholarship. Students must be enrolling for post-secondary education. This year, 30 scholarships of $1000 will be awarded. The deadline to apply is Wednesday, April 30, 2025. For additional information, as well as an application form, please go to
2025 FRANCOPHONE GAMES: July 15th - 25th, 2025
All French-speaking high school students in grades 9 – 12 are invited to compete this summer in Laval, Quebec. The Francophone Games are one of the biggest events and gatherings for French-speaking youth in Canada with over 1200 participants based on 3 profiles and 14 disciplines: Art (Music, Improvisation, Culinary Arts, Theatre), Leadership (Debate, Survival, Social Justice , Medias) and Sport (Track and Field, Badminton, Basketball, Flag Football, Ultimate Frisbee, Beach Volleyball) Team Sask has 100 participants and 20 coaches. The registration fee of $750 includes airfare, accommodations, transportation, all meals, team swag and more! For more information visit or view the Edsby message and attached information package. U of S: Early Admission & Guaranteed Entrance Scholarship
Attention grade 12 students! Applications are now open for admissions to the University of Saskatchewan. Apply early to take advantage of benefits like early admission and access to scholarships. Some scholarship applications are due before the application deadline. To find information about how to apply, programs and deadlines, scholarship applications, and how to submit your documents, please go to you have any questions, or want assistance, please see Mrs. Rapin in Student Services (office 116). Students will automatically be considered for a Guaranteed Entrance Scholarship when they apply for admission. These scholarships recognize academic achievements and are awarded based on the admission average.
U of S: Competitive Entrance Awards
Competitive Entrance Awards include numerous scholarships and bursaries that can be accessed by many students with diverse experiences. Students can be considered based on academic achievement, financial need and/or contributions to school and community life. Some awards recognize backgrounds, acknowledge contributions to certain clubs or reward achievement in music and athletics. All entering students are encouraged to apply. To be considered, students must complete an application for admission by February 15, 2025 and fill out and submit the online application for Competitive Entrance Awards by March 1, 2025 in PAWS. For additional information, please see Mrs. Rapin or go to U of R: Automatic Entrance Awards
Students are guaranteed an automatic entrance award based on their academic standing. Students must be entering directly from high school to an undergraduate degree program.
Students will begin to enhance their skills by working primarily with beads. Artisan trainees will start learning to bead using the 2-needle applique method during the following meeting times: Monday to Friday from 8:00 am - 8:45 am and lunch hour, as well as Wednesday: 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm, unless otherwise posted for special event teachings. All participants will be asked to log their hours. The expected time that a project may require ranges from 4 to 30 hours or more. Sessions will enhance students’ skill levels, enabling them to confidently participate at regional, provincial and national levels of Skills Canada competitions. Students will be able to compete at the school level, city and provincial levels this year based on performance and dedication to the skill required. See Mrs. Longjohn-Constant in room B26 for more details.
Jazz band rehearsals are Wednesday from 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm and Friday from 12:30 pm - 1:10 pm. All rehearsals are in the music room.
Are you interested in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math? If so, join the STEM Club. To join, scan the QR code below and complete the registration form. If you have any question, contact Mr. Gotidoc in Rm 140.
Art Club is every Thursday from 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm in the Art Room. Drop-ins are always welcome!
Need a quiet spot to focus on your homework, study for an exam, or simply to enjoy your lunch in peace? Then come join us in Room B20 (Mr. Kirilenko)! Homework Club runs Monday to Friday from 12:14 pm to 1:14pm. All students are welcome to attend!
École St Mary High School has received free feminine menstrual products to support our students. Students can go to the main office for their free products (box of tampons and a box of pads). Menstrual Equity in Saskatchewan Schools is a three-year initiative.
Students enrolled in the Prince Albert Catholic School Division have the opportunity to install Microsoft Office 365 on their desktops, laptops and mobile devices. Instructions and additional information is available at
Find out about all the FREE print and digital access to novels, graphic novels, music, movies, comedy shows, crafts, book clubs and more that is available at the Prince Albert Public Library. For detailed information visit
SACRED HEART PARISH: Youth & Children’s Choir
This free opportunity is for children and youth age 6 – 18 who agree to participate in music ministry (one 11:am mass per month from Sept – June), practice twice a month (Sunday evenings 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm) and can read. The choir is directed by Kayleigh & Brock Skomorowski. For information, call or email Kayleigh (306-940-8894;
Students who are interested in the 2023 - 2024 driver education program are to register online through Microsoft Forms: Driver Education Registration 2024 - 2025. Mr. Bourdon will then place students into groups on Edsby. A reminder that spots fill up quickly, so it is important for students to select their three top options to best accommodate each student. The start dates for session are as follows:
Session 1: Sept. 9 - Sept. 27 (3:30 pm - 5:30 pm)
Session 2: Oct. 7 - Oct. 29 (3:30 pm - 5:30 pm)
Session 3: Oct. 21 - Dec. 5 (12:15 pm - 1:10 pm)
Session 4: Nov. 13 - Dec. 2 (3:30 pm - 5:30 pm)
Session 5: Jan. 6 - Jan. 24 (3:30 pm - 5:30 pm)
Session 6: Feb. 3 - Feb. 28 (3:30 pm - 5:30 pm)
Session 7: Mar. 3 - Apr. 14 (12:15 pm - 1:10 pm)
Session 8: Mar. 10 - Mar. 31 (3:30 pm - 5:30 pm)
Session 9: Apr. 1 - Apr. 29 (3:30 pm - 5:30 pm)
Session 10: May 1 - May 23 (3:30 pm - 5:30 pm)
Session 11: July 2 - July 10 (9:00 am - 1:00 pm)
Please note the following:
· Students must be 15 years old by the start of the session.
· Sessions will be in the Room 246.
· All sessions begin at 3:30 pm and end at 5:30 pm. (except for the summer/lunch sessions).
· During your driver education class, you will need:
· your birth certificate
· your MYSGI account number. (needed on the first day of class)
· Students must go to SGI to get their MySGI customer number.
· a pencil/pen and notebook
Monday - Crispy Pork & Rice $4.50
Tuesday - Beef Mami $4.50
Wednesday - Surprise Lunch $4.00
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