Thursday, May 11, 2023

Friday, May 12th



Today's prayer was written by an École St. Mary High student. It is about hope.  

Dear God,

You loved us enough to send Jesus to live as a human.

He taught us to reflect your glory,

and his sacrificial death on the cross for our sins

taught us to believe, hope and endure all things.

Thank you for helping us to see how love can change the world.

Through Christ our Lord,



Main Entrance - Mr. Hunko
North Entrance - Ms. Khan
South Entrance - Mr. Joncas


Friday - Pork Bites & Rotini Salad $3.50


Students are encouraged to register for next year, as soon as possible. Registration forms must be completed prior to class selections taking placeThe registration link is available on Edsby. A paper copy of the registration form is also available at the main office.


The Canadian Centre for Raw Materials Display Inc. (CACERMDI) is pleased to announce the commencement of its Annual Essay & Quiz Competition for grades 9-12 students! The essay topic is “Global Shortage of Raw Materials: Causes, Effects and Solutions”. The Essay & Quiz Competition involves three stages from May 15, 2023 to June 16, 2023.   

Stage 1: Essays are to be submitted by May 15, 2023 via email to or The essays will be marked, and only successful entrants will be contacted for Stage 2.  

Stage 2: Successful entrants will be invited to the quiz competition on June 16, 2023. The quiz competition will focus on all raw materials in Canada, with emphasis on the ones Canada is leading in terms of its production, as well as a few questions about the ones imported into Canada from other countries.   

Stage 3: A ceremony will be held on CACERMDI Raw Materials Day and prizes will be awarded. The ceremony will be hosted in Prince Albert, but will also be available virtually.  

For additional information, please visit the website at


École St Mary High School invites the community to Upstage Productions' musical, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. Show times at the E.A. Rawlinson Centre are Wednesday, May 10th – Saturday, May 13th at 7:30 p.m. Tickets cost $21.00 for adults and $15.75 for students and are available at the E.A. Rawlinson Box Office or by phoning 306-765-1270.​ 


Spikeball Club will be every Monday and Friday at lunch beginning on Friday, May 12th. Spikeball Club (skills and gameplay) will be in the small gym during May and on the soccer field during June. All skill levels are welcome, as well as single players or teams (co-ed, girls, boys). Students are encouraged to join the Edsby page for updated information and contact Mrs. Klassen if they have any questions.


The Prince Albert and Area Teachers Association (PAATA) designed the Victor Thunderchild Memorial Scholarship to acknowledge the significant contributions Mr. Thunderchild made in our community and to honor that spirit in others. The deadline to apply for the $500 scholarship is Tuesday, May 30th, 2023. Information about criteria and submission requirements is available at


Canadian Parents for French - Prince Albert offre une bourse pour un ou une élève de 12 année en immersion française. Les candidates et les candidats doivent démontrer un certain leadership et un intérêt pour la langue française. La bourse est d'une valeur de 300 $ pour la 12e année. La date limite pour soumettre le formulaire est le 31 mai 2023. Les instructions pour comment soumettre la bourse sont sur les formulaires. Si vous avez des questions, consultez M. Joncas ( Voici le formulaire :


USask fall and winter semester courses are now viewable for students through PAWS. To support incoming Arts and Science students, the U of S is offering virtual drop-in advising sessions to help students create their first-year schedules. This service is open to all Arts and Science students, not just those who have declared through St. Thomas More College. Students can also book longer appointments at if they need more in-depth assistance. Meeting dates are below and students are to Click here to join the meeting 

GRAD AWARD NOMINATIONS: Most Gentlemanly, Deportment

Grade 12 students are reminded that nominations are open for the Most Gentlemanly Award and the Deportment Award. Additional information about the awards (criteria, how to nominate a classmate, nomination deadline etc.) is available on the Grad 2023 group in Edsby. 


The First Nations University of Canada is inviting students, ages 12 - 18, to spend two days of learning from experts, including Elders, Knowledge Keepers, and scientists. Students will get to explore and learn about monitoring and analyzing water quality, identifying native plants, and even learning computer coding! The science camp is Thursday, July 13th and Friday, June 14, 2023, at the Prince Albert Elks Lodge. Spots are limited so sign up early! Admission is FREE! Breakfast, lunch, and snacks will also be provided free of charge.To register, send an email to or call 308-585-4250. For additional information, and an application form go to or


Grade 12 students can now start applying for Grad Awards. The application deadline in Thursday, May 25th at 11:59pm. All grade 12 students who are applying must fill out the Forms application that is linked below and use their school email address when applying. Please view the River on Edsby for more information and see Ms. McLeod, or send a message (Edsby or email), if you have any questions!

SPRING FORMAL/INFORMAL DANCE: May 25th 7:30 pm – 10:30 pm

Dress in your finest garb or your comfiest sweats - the choice is yours! Tickets are required for any St. Mary student (only) who wants to attend and student ID is needed to purchase a ticket. Tickets cost $5.00 and are on sale in the Commons during the lunch hour Tuesday, May 16th to Thursday, May 18th, as well as Tuesday, May 23rd and Wednesday, May 24th. No ticket sales will be available on the day of the dance, Thursday, May 25th. A pre-purchased ticket must be presented to attend the dance. No purses or jackets are permitted in the dance area. (A secure coat check area will be provided.) If late entry is required due to other commitments, students must make arrangements with an SLC advisor beforehand. No re-entry to the dance is permitted once students have left the school building.


The Tillie and Joe Kawula Scholarship and the Herschel Davidner Memorial Scholarship are named in recognition of their many years of service to the community, and are available to graduating Grade 12 students from Saskatchewan Rivers, Prince Albert Roman Catholic School Division, Ecole Valois, and Adult 12 students from Saskatchewan Polytechnic Prince Albert Campus. The scholarship recipients will be selected based largely on community and volunteer service, plans to attend a recognized university or technical institute, three letters of reference and a resume. The deadline to apply is Thursday, June 1, 2023 with additional information available on the application form available at


This $250 scholarship will be awarded to a Grade 9 - 12 student who has been enrolled full-time in the academic year of 2022-2023, has distinguished themself by being an advocate for literacy in their school or the community, and clearly demonstrates a love of reading. While high academics is not a requirement for applying, the student must have a JMCPL card and plans for post-secondary education. Preference will also be given to former or current employees of John M. Cuelenaere Library, as well as a current grade 12 student of École St. Mary High School. To be considered for this award, please complete an application by clicking the link below. The deadline to apply is Friday, May 12th and the scholarship will be presented during the Thanksgiving for the Year and Awards Assembly on Wednesday, June 7th. If you have any questions, please see Mr. Bourdon.

John M. Cuelenaere Public Library Scholarship Application Form 


Grade 11 and 12 students are encouraged to apply for the Rotary Citizenship Award. This $400 award is presented to a Grade 11 or 12 student with criteria that includes, strong academics, with involvement within the school environment, as well as the community and parish. In addition, the student should be planning some type of post-secondary education or training to enhance personal skills. To be considered for this award, please complete an application by clicking the link below. The deadline to apply is Friday, May 12th and the scholarship will be presented during the Thanksgiving for the Year and Awards Assembly on Wednesday, June 7th. If you have any questions, please see Mr. Bourdon.

Rotary Citizenship Award Application Form


Students in Grade 9, 10, & 11 that are interested in becoming a part of the 2023-2024 SLC are encouraged to apply for the following positions: President(s) (Grade 12), Vice President (Grade 11/12), Secretary, Treasurer, Member at Large. The deadline to apply is Friday, May 26thApplication forms are available at the SLC office, on Edsby and the school website at . Application forms must be returned to the main office, or slid under the SLC room door in the Commons.


Students who are interested in teaching Pow Wow dancing to younger students at one of the Prince Albert Catholic elementary schools, or want to learn about Pow Wow dancing, are encouraged to contact Mr. Bourdon.

PA MULTICULTURAL CENTRE: Multicultural Youth Ambassador

Residents of Prince Albert or surrounding areas, age 16 – 30 years old, who are interested youth engagement and participation in the community are encouraged to propose a youth-led project/initiative focusing on reconciliation, anti-racism, arts, cultures, diversity and inclusion. Additional information about the program, as well as sample projects, is available at


The focus at the camp is having fun, learning and living in the outdoors with programs for ages 8 – 17.  First Camp: July 12 – July 22, Second Camp: July 26 – August 5, Third Camp: August 9 – August 19. For additional information, visit


Learn from world-class conductors while connecting in person with other musicians around the province from November 1st – November 3rd at Living Hope Alliance Church in Regina. This opportunity is open to all Saskatchewan students in Grade 9 – Grade 12. Band students will be accepted through adjudicated auditions. Choir students will be accepted through recommendations. Auditions and recommendations will be accepted April 15th – May 15th. For additional information, visit

CANADA-SASKATCHEWAN GRANT: Students with Disabilities

Students with either a permanent, a persistent or a prolonged disability who are enrolled in a program at an educational institution may be eligible to receive the Canada-Saskatchewan Grant for Services and Equipment. This grant provides up to $22,000 per program year to purchase specialized education-related services and assistive equipment and does not have to be paid back. For additional information, go to


MADD Canada is a national charitable organization committed to stopping impaired driving and supporting victims. One bursary of $10,000 will be awarded and additional bursaries in the amount of $5,000 may also be awarded. MADD Canada’s Bursary Program is open to Canadian citizens who have themselves been severely injured or who have had a parent (or legal guardian) or sibling killed or severely injured, as a result of an impaired driving crash. The applicant must also be enrolled in a full-time, ministry-approved, post-secondary educational program for the upcoming academic year. The application deadline is Wednesday, May 31st. Additional information, and an application form, is available at 


The Insurance Brokers Association of Saskatchewan (IBAS) is offering the 2023 ‘IBAS Young Community Leader Bursary’ for grade 12 students entering post-secondary education. It is a one-time cash bursary amount of $5,000 to be given to the successful applicant. To learn more about the bursary and to access the application form, visit the website The 2023 application window will be open Monday, April 17th to 5 PM on Friday, June 16th.  


Physical & Health Education (PHE) Saskatchewan is looking to award 5 scholarships of $300 to high school students who meet the following criteria: a minimum of two Physical Education/Wellness or Health credits, be actively involved in the school Intramural and Extra-Curricular program, have an average of at least 70% in subject areas required for minimum entrance requirements for his/her intended area of study, exhibit strong leadership and sportsmanship qualities, and be a positive role model in his/her school and/or community. In addition, the student must be enrolled in first year studies in one of the following programs in a Saskatchewan Post-Secondary Institution: College of Education with a major or minor in Physical Education and/or Health (U of S), College of Kinesiology (U of S), Faculty of Education with a major or minor in Physical Education and/or Health (U of R), Faculty of Kinesiology and Health Studies (U of R), and the Saskatchewan Polytechnic Recreation and Community Development program. The application deadline is Friday, June 30th. Additional information, and an application form, is available at


The remaining start dates for the 2022-2023 sessions are as follows:

May 1 - May 24 (after school)
July 3 - July 11 summer class (9:00 am - 1:00 pm)
To register, take a photo of the QR code or click on the blue link posted below. Once the registration is complete, students will receive an Edsby message from Mr. Bourdon to confirm the start date for their driver education session.
Please note the following:
·       Students must be 15 years old by the start of the session.
·        Sessions will be in the Room 246. 
·        All sessions begin at 3:30pm and end at 5:30pm. (except for the summer/lunch sessions).
·        During the driver education class, students will need:
·        their birth certificate
·        their hospitalization card
·        their MYSGI account number(needed on the first day of class)
*Students must go to SGI to get their MySGI customer number.
·        a pencil/pen and notebook

 Driver Training Registration Form 2022 - 2023 

Students who are searching for scholarships are encouraged to use the databases that are on the SMHS Career website at 

Games Club is a fun drop-in activity available to all students every Tuesday & Thursday at lunch in the Lecture Theatre (B5).  If you enjoy playing board games or want to test your skill on the Switch then come by. There is a large variety of board games, ranging from card games, games of chance to strategy games. There is also a Nintendo Switch available with Super Smash Bros, Mario Kart or Rocket League. Bring your lunch and play some games! Come with a friend or by yourself.  

ABORIGINAL CRAFTS CLUB: Beading / Hand stitch

Students who are interested in participating in an Aboriginal Crafts Club are encouraged to join the Creativi-team. There are several sessions being offered. Students who are a part of the Bead Team can attend open times in room B26 before school, at lunch, and every Tuesday after school. All other students who are interested in participating can attend every Tuesday from 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. and the occasional Saturday from 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 pm. For more information go to Aboriginal Crafts Club or talk to Mrs. Constant in room B26 or Ms. McLeod in room 206.

Art club is in the Art Room (B18/19) and will run every Monday after school from 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm. Come out to make some great art! Drop-ins are welcome!


Students who are interested in martial arts and/or self-defense classes are encouraged to join the Prince Albert Budokai Karate Club at the Elevation Academy Gym (1405 Bishop Pascal Place, Prince Albert - formerly, the Rivier Gym). Starting in January, classes are Mondays and Wednesdays: Beginner Classes from 6 pm to 7 pm and Advance Classes from 7 pm to 8 pm. For more information, please visit or contact Chris Lair at 306-922-5247 or by email at

Information and instructional videos are available at


Students enrolled in the Prince Albert Catholic School Division have the opportunity to install Microsoft Office 365 on their desktops, laptops and mobile devices. Instructions and additional information is available at


Monday - Pork Dry Ribs & Coleslaw $3.50
Tuesday - Pizza Bun & Potato Chips $3.50
Wednesday - Beef Quesadilla $3.50
Thursday - Chicken Strips & Wedges $3.50
Friday - Pork Bites & Rotini Salad $3.50

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