Today’s prayer
is a reflection on peace.
Loving God,
Help us to work
for peace among all your people.
Help us see that
race, creed, and gender
aren’t reasons
to exclude others.
Help us to know
that if we want peace,
we must also
work for justice,
so that things
are fair and others have what they need.
Lord, help us
make this world a place
where all people
can experience peace.
Through Christ
our Lord.
Main Entrance - Mrs. Meckelborg
North Entrance - Mrs. Morhart
South Entrance - Mrs. Ouellet
PARENTS FOR FRENCH: Sarcan Fundraiser
Canadian Parents for French - Prince
Albert Chapter would appreciate support to raise scholarship funds for École St
Mary High School students in the Gr. 9 to 12 French Immersion program. A Sarcan
bottle drive fundraiser has been set up: leave bottles/cans at the Drop & Go area at Sarcan and use the code “French is fun!” so the funds are allocated to CPF-PA. To learn more about Drop
& Go, please go to U of R EARLY ADMISSIONS: November 25th – December 2nd
Early Admission Days is a special application period to help high school students fill out their University of Regina application. Students who send in their unofficial transcript and reduced application fee by Wednesday, December 2 will have their application processed within a week, and if admissible, will receive conditional acceptance. Students will also be contacted to choose a virtual appointment time in order to 'pick up' their admission package and discuss their admission decision! For additional information, please go to PROGRAMMES DESTINATION CLIC, EXPLORE et ODYSSÉE
Vous aimeriez voyager et mieux apprendre le français? Si oui, les programmes Destination Clic, Explore et Odyssée sont pour vous. Il y aura une présentation le jeudi 19 novembre en après-midi sur les programmes Destination Clic, Explore et Odyssée donnée par le Gouvernement de la Saskatchewan. La présentation aura lieu virtuellement. Si cela vous intéresse, vous pouvez envoyer un message à M. Joncas ( Une inscription est requise. Le programme Destination Clic est pour les 8e et les 9e années qui veulent perfectionner leur français. Ça se passe en Ontario, au Québec ou au Nouveau-Brunswick. Le programme Explore s'adresse aux 13-15 ans et permet aux élèves d'apprendre le français et découvrir la culture locale d'une autre province. Le programme Odyssée s'adresse aux étudiants post-secondaire et permet aux jeunes de travailler comme assistant en éducation en anglais dans une école du Québec ou du Nouveau-Brunswick. Cela permet d'échanger entre francophones et anglophones. Pour plus d'informations sur les programmes offerts, consultez le site web suivant :
St. Mark Parish in Prince Albert is looking for a part time secretary. The candidate must: 1) be Roman Catholic and actively living their faith, 2) hospitable, 3) have strong communication, computer and bookkeeping skills, and 4) be strongly motivated. The position is half-time (20 hours a week). For a complete job description, please contact Fr. Jim at 306 764 4637. A resume must be dropped off at St. Mark Parish Office prior to December 13, 2020.
The Schulich Leader Scholarship is a prestigious entrance scholarship awarded to a high school graduate enrolling in a Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics (STEM) program at one of 20 partner universities. The nominated student can win one of 25 engineering scholarships at $100,000 or one of 25 science, technology, or math scholarships at $80,000. The criteria include academic excellence, leadership, and financial need. It is important to note that students who are planning for a career as a medical practitioner or researcher (doctor, dentist, nurse, psychologist, pharmacist, optometrist, etc.) are NOT eligible to apply. This scholarship is for entrepreneurial-minded innovators outside of the medical community. St. Mary High School can only nominate ONE candidate and nomination is competitive. If you are interested in being considered for nomination please email a list of school/community involvement, leadership activities, and a statement about financial need to Mrs. Rapin ( in Student Services by Friday, December 11, 2020 before 9:00 am to be considered for nomination. To find out more about the Schulich Leader Scholarship visit or LET’S TALK CAREERS COMPETITION
ChatterHigh, Skills Canada and Let’s Talk Science have joined together to provide an opportunity for students to virtually explore a wide array of occupations and post-secondary programs of study with the fourth annual Let’s Talk Careers: Canada’s Most Informed School Competition. This career exploration opportunity also includes two national competitions (Fall 2020: October 26 to December 4 and Spring 2021: April 12 to May 21). Once registered, students will answer a ten-question quiz each day to earn points towards their personal leaderboards and the school wide totals. These quizzes encourage them to research and explore thousands of higher education and career options that they may not have been exposed to any other way. The schools with the highest ranking at the end of each round will win a cash prize, and the students who answered the most questions right in the time period will also win personal cash bursaries! For more information about this career exploration opportunity, please go to LA CITÈ: U of R FRENCH-LANGUAGE PROGRAMS
The University of Regina offers the following French-language academic programs: Intercultural Studies (Bachelor Degree, Certificate, Masters), Education (Bachelor Degree, Masters), and Nursing (Bachelor Degree). For more information, please contact La Cité universitaire francophone at 306-585-4828 or visit the website at
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