You chose them, Jesus Christ.
One by one and sometimes two by two,
you chose your disciples and invited them to follow you.
It was your own wonderful love that picked them out
and made them special and they followed your teachings.
thank you for reminding me
that you also chose me to build the kingdom of God.
Help me to remember that wonderful gift is this Lenten time
where I am trying to pray more, give more, and fast from things
so that I can make more time in my busy life for you
One by one and sometimes two by two,
you chose your disciples and invited them to follow you.
It was your own wonderful love that picked them out
and made them special and they followed your teachings.
thank you for reminding me
that you also chose me to build the kingdom of God.
Help me to remember that wonderful gift is this Lenten time
where I am trying to pray more, give more, and fast from things
so that I can make more time in my busy life for you
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